Free  Motorcycle Poker Run, Bike Games & Show & Shine Sheets    
Home Bike Games Poker Run Show & Shine Feed Back News TB's World Links Events


I Have one request from any Rider who happens to Visit My Site, and finds that it useful.
Is to forward the Link on to any one you may know or any Riding Group who may make use of it .
It would greatly appreciated by myself and I am sure by the Riders that intend set up an event that may not have the Resources & time to make there on Sheets up .

Well Hello to all the Brothers and Sister Riders.
TB Here. Should you have had a problem trying to contact us or submitting an event form we apologies due to the Fact that we are getting over whelmed with spam we have had some difficulties, that we are working to correct.

 Up Date Friday, 24 January 2014

 We now have two different Show and Shine  Judging Sheets.
Here's a Bit of a update, I have added a second Show and Shine Judging Sheet with a few minor changes, first it has 2 Blank spots were you can add your choice of items to be judged, other then what is already on the score sheet. This will give you a wee bite of versatility. The minor difference is that there is only 8 spots per sheet for Bike entries' instead of 10 spots.  

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So Should you have a suggestion Drop me a Line and I will consider your suggestion.

Interested in doing a Link Exchange.
The Web Link exchange Page, for Motorcycle & Bike Connection Links is Growing :
Thanks to the others that have contributed to making this site better by exchanging links ! 

Be Safe and enjoy life It is all how you Look at it.
Till next time TB.

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Here Is A bit of Feed Back I have received

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Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by
 () on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 11:22:08


Subject: Web Site

All the help!
Comments: This is only the 3rd Poker Run that I have organized and your web site has
made it soooooo easy. I truly appreciate all that you have on the site. You have
made my job alot easier. We are trying to raise money fro breast cancer and with all
the time you have saved me I can now get our there and promote more. Thanks again
for your wonderful site.

 Maggie Aldrin

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Sunday, December 28, 2008 at 08:23:06 <>  Vivian  Email:

Comments: I saved and printed cards and other suggested sheets to help us with our
Poker Run. Thank you for making them available. Our Recovery 'n Action Conference
will be more successful in the Poker Run arena. Thanks Viv

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008 at 17:49:04 <> Rod Gammill  Email:

Comments: Just would like to thank you for having suggestions and different sheets
up on your site for our help. We are planning our first Poker Run & Bike Show for
this Oct with all 100% Proceeds going to Children's Miracle Network. Very helpful
Thanks again,
Rod Gammill

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 10:00:26 <> William W. Harle  Email:

Comments: This is a great site and has been very helpful. I know disclaimers are
fairly straight forward, but I think it would be helpful if you could have a few
examples of good disclaimers for poker runs. Thanks.

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Monday, June 2, 2008 at 17:14:58 <> Heather Manchester  Email: heathernchxd11@xxmail.XX

Comments: I just wanted to let you know this site has been a wonderful help in
planning our first poker run.. Thanks!

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008 at 16:41:40 <> clare minegar Email: cycoclxre@xxxmail.xx

Comments: Thank you so much for the forms that you provide on this website....I was
at a loss and this made it very clear and helpful to put on a benefit run for a very
special person who was severely injured in a motorcycle accident. This will help his
family tremendously. God Bless you!!!

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April 30, 2008 at 07:15:49 <>  Grumpy Email:

Comments: Great site. Was hoping you might have had a Liability Disclaimer shell for
a poker run. I like the score sheets a lot though. Thanks!

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April 20, 2008 at 22:48:59 <> Bradley W. Hight Email:

Comments: great web site learned alot of stuff, Mt. KIA/MIA run planning stages, to
Villa Grove Co. June 20-22 2008 Dedication check

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 Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 16:32:02 : sobe101#&*

Comments: This was our first poker run, and your site was so informative.
I Couldn’t have done it without it.
Thanks So Much Janet

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 Monday, April 23, 2007 at 19:09:40

Comments: I love your site this is my bars first poker run and
I had no idea how to start please never lose this site love yah
 colleen rueda

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Saturday, March 17, 2007 at 02:34:47

Thanks for posting the game sheets and stuff, saving me a lot of work.
Expect to see them at the AGM in Kelowna!!!!

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Saturday, July 29, 2006 at 14:50:22

Our small Town of Farmington started a run 4 yrs ago to purchase Christmas lights.
Now 50% goes to MDA & 50% to community bldg fund.
This site is such a big help. Especially show&shine.
Thanks Again! Donna Costello

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June 14, 2006 at 21:26:55

thank you for all the work you have exhibited on creating these pages.
I have not ever participated in a Poker Run and yet have been asked to host this event.
Your pages are making this task much easier and much more organized.
Thank you again for assisting with this task.
rosa Mills

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 Fri Mar 24 2006 9:17

Thank you so much for your great website!!
We are planning our very first poker run and your site has helped so much to help plan our run.

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Thu Feb 2 2006 17:07  Sherry Wewers

website & very helpful w/sheets on games, runs & shows.
Thanks for the hard work!!

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Sun Jan 22 13:49

Thanks for all the great ideas.
For someone who is new to motorcycling, I couldn't have found a better site to help our committee decide what games to have,
what show & shine categories to pick and what forms to use.
This is awesome!!!


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Date: 06 Dec 2005

What a super idea!
This will come in handy at our Southern Cruisers Riding Club Show N Shine this year.
 (my husband is Regional Officer for SCRC Western Canada) We'll pass your site on to others.
Thanks again. - Suzie "Ali" Healey

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TB,     Mon Oct 10 7:01    2005

Thanks for this great service! What an awesome idea!
I have added a link to your site on ABATE of Arkansas'
website. You can find the link here: We'd love to
have a reciprical link. Thanks so much!

ABATE of Arkansas
State Office Manager and

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David Austin <thirdwheelbro@xxxxxx>  Wed Sep 14 16:29

Hey TB,
Just checked out your website and I think you have done a fine job.
It just so happens that I have a poker run coming up in 3 weeks so this came at a perfect time. 
Thank you so much for the work you have done.
The website is very easy to navigate and I will go beck there to check out the rest of the stuff.
Ride Safe and Be Well,


Hi TB      Sep 3  08:25

First off I would like to say you have a great little site here. 
It gives all of us something to use for runs & shows, nicely done. 
I also have a question for you as I am not all that up on computers,
Is there a way using you peoples choice cards to change the class section, from over all to like trike, vintage, sport bike, metric cruiser, American cruiser & so on??
 Your help here would be greatly appreciated.
PLEASE e-mail me at btwnfld@xxxx 
Regards; Gary aka"G-MAN"
Btw Director Nfld. Canada

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With out your Help in Suggestion for Improvement to the Site Progress will be slow. So Should you have a suggestion  please contact me by : Email
